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Course Description

Dedication to learning a Language by going solo via online resources is indeed a bold step to achieving one’s goal but that is effective by not compromising Tutelage/Coachings from specialized and capable Individual/institution. Here is a course considerably and creatively made just for you so as to make the Language (Yoruba) learning easy and qualitative, if you can give your Determination, Commitment and Patience to the learning pattern that has been put to place on our Platform, you are very much ready to possess a fluent conversational Yoruba Language skill in a blink of time. It elates me to inform you that you will be granted a certificate of Achievement upon the completion of this Course, wish you best of Luck ! Ire.

• Take and Complete the Lessons in each module one after the other (Very important).
• Our recommendation is “a Module for a Week”. Kindly stick to it for best results.
• There is a Notepad on the viewing page where you can jot and save notes.
• Attempt Quizzes and Workbooks as may apply for each Lesson/Module after watching each video lesson.
• As may apply in each case, you’ll find Quiz under the Video and Workbook is in the Material section above video in the Viewing page.
• Quizzes are assessed immediately you complete them and you can get correction(s) afterward.
• Email your completed workbooks to for assessment and it will be addressed within 24hrs of submission.
• If you have any issues using our platform, email or feel free to use the live chat on our website, it’s quick and helpful!


ÒǸKÀ ÈDE Yorùbá (Yoruba Numbers)